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Congratulations, Lori, and you have a clever and good friend in Jeff.

Lori totally rocks!!!

And Jeff, well, what can I say? Sometimes experiments don't live up to expectations; this one completely surpassed it. And you captured our sentiments exactly!

Kick ASS!

Welcome to Touchstone Fireside, Lori!


That's awesome. Congratulations, Lori! And Jeff, this was worth all the advance hype.

Congrats, Lori. Great news.

And Jeff is a very funny guy. Ha ha. Very funny.


(Jim must know a few leg-breakers willing to travel.)

YES!!!! Now I can finally shout it from the rooftops!!!! (Seeing as how I couldn't do a video to save my life. Very cute! But who the hell doesn't like Springsteen?)

I'm so proud of you! This was worth all the agonizing phone calls and whining, hahahaha

YOU SO ROCK!!!! and I'm so proud of you I could burst!

oh, and one last thing, because it must be said. . .


There, now I've got that out of my system, hahahahaha

Love ya baby!!!!

Way to go, Lori!

YAY LORI!!!!! And might I say, the announcement was better than any clips package I've ever seen on any Academy Awards broadcast ever. Jeff, Lori, you are both HUGE STARS! Very proud to be sharing a banner with you (and Karen too of course!)

Congratulations, Lori! That definitely doesn't suck. *g*

And that video should get some kind of award, too.

Lori, that's fantastic news. Took over three minutes to get it, but good for you! Congratulations and best of luck.

Jeff, I don't know about the yacht or the Bentley, but surely someone can scrounge up a Tickle-Me-Elmo for ya, right?

Felicia Donovan

Yeah, baby! You rock! Congratulations.

And I think Jeff has found a new side business. Very funny.

Wow! Congratulations, that is wonderful news (and a very fun video, too).

SWEET! Congratulations, Lori!!! (I wandered over here from Angela James' blog...)

And Jeff, you are an awesome friend. Great job with this video! ('Dancing Queen' is also my father's favorite song . . . please don't ask. :-)

Wow, Lori! This is unbelievably FANTASTIC!!! But we all could see something like this coming. It was bound to. Congratulations!

Jeff, it's now time for you to go to Steve Spielberg School and become a famous director. Your video totally rocks!

Regional novels? Willa Award Winners? On the upswing!!!

I AM SO IMPRESSED!! Not only with Lori's fabulous news, but with Jeff's creativity. How come you were never so clever in your writing????

Lori, that's the bomb!

Jeff, everyone of your critique pals is going to expect a video of their own when the time comes...remember that!!!

Love, Jeanne

You go girl! I am so proud of you! From the first day I read your work I have been predicting you would be a superstar of the mystery world...move over Grafton, Evanovich and all you other losers!

And way to go Jeff...what a fun video. See, aren't you glad you kept your Barbie and Ken dolls? You never know when they come in handy.

YEAH! WTG LORI!!! (Yes, it deserves all caps and extra exclamation points)

I am so freaking thrilled for you! WOOO! Congrats!

Oh, fucking YEAH! I am so proud of you and I TOLD YOU SO (heh). You worked your butt off--you deserve this and I am so thrilled for you.

Jeff, that video was hysterical. Although I think I'd double-check who was at the door before opening it for a while.

Huge congratulations to Lori, what wonderful news.

And Jeff, that was the coolest way to put it out for everyone. Way to go!

YEE HAW! But, seriously, it's not exactly a surprise. I knew it would happen.

WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm joining Arianna with a big fat, "I TOLD YOU SO!" I knew you were destined for this success, Lori.

I love you, so I'll overlook your deplorable taste in music, demonstrate by not liking Springsteen.

When you're famous, don't forget who first hauled your ass out onto the dance floor to learn the Electric Slide, baby.

I still call dibs on Tony Martinez.

Congrats, my talented friend. I am SO thrilled and proud for you.

Jeff, great video.

HOLY CRAP!!! I am so excited I almost fell out of my chair! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You DESERVE it!!!

BIG hugs!

WOO HOO!!!! You go, Lori! I am absolutely THRILLED for you. I hope you're celebrating big time!

Am I the only one concerned at Jeff's ready access to dolls?

P.S. Congrats Lori!

YAY Lori!!
I'm so happy for you! ANd for me, because as a reder, I just know I'm going to absolutely love the new series!

Way to go!!!

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