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I love reading the tales from Bouchercon. They're as much fun as tales from the RT Convention where I'll be seeing Lori in about a week.

It's good to air these stories out on blogs. Makes it more difficult for anyone to blackmail us if we're telling tales on ourselves.

For the record . . . the hippos in Fantasia dance better than Kate Gosselin.

I went to Indianapolis last year and didn't like it at all. I didn't care for Indianapolis itself, I couldn't get a room at the host hotel, and because I didn't know anyone there, I felt waaaay out of place. But I know a few people now, and after being on a panel at Left Coast Crime last month, I feel a little better about the whole thing.

I'll definitely be in San Francisco come October.

I'm not going this year. San Fran is too expensive, and I'm busy with too many other things (Marshall Festival, NoirCon, Murder & Mayhem in Muskego).

The defining moment? The first afternoon of the 2001 con in DC. Gischler and I grabbed spots at the hotel bar and just started gathering people over as they were coming in the doors. People we'd only known online, like Vicki Hendricks, Victoria Esposito-Shea, and PWG alums, we were just calling em over and giving them beer.

I have not found my proper mojo at conferences so no.

Your mojo seems fine to me, Patti! (and BTW, I was with your daughter while watching Ken Bruen onstage.)

Neil, wish I could have gotten a drink from you, but I didn't even know what Bouchercon was in 2001!

Mike, I think I'm going to SF too... See you there!

Mary, at some point in my life, I will go to RT. It sounds like a riot! And I totally agree re: Kate Gosselin.

should strive for the time to divide into three: Gives the nature, gives the innermost feelings, is together with the human.

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