So instead of actually commenting on Alison's post from yesterday, I figured I'd write another post related to it.
Because I sent my book to my agent Sunday night.
I'm not sure how it happened, but after all the fits and starts I had with this damn manuscript, the last 20 pages flew. I'd known exactly how the book would end from the get-go. I almost started writing the end at one point when I was in the middle and stuck for a week, but somehow I managed to move past it and never got around to it.
So about a week and a half ago, I got home from work, settled in with my laptop on the couch and wrote those 20 pages like they were nothing. Like writing the whole book had been like that. Ha! And even in the middle of it, I helped my daughter with her English paper and drove her to and from choir rehearsal. Because that's what moms do: we are the queens of multitasking. The whole time, though, I had it swirling around in my head and when I wrote the last two words (no, they were not THE END), I knew it was THE END.
I have never been so happy to have finished a book as I was that day. Granted, I had two wonderful people read it and I had to make some tweaks, but it wasn't so bad (except I forgot that the Jeep was somewhere in the desert and they were now driving the Impala, so I had to change all the Jeep references to Impalas).
And yesterday while the nice IT guy battled the virus that moved into my work computer with all his family and friends, I even managed to outline half of the next book (yes, it took that long, and the virus is still laughing at us).
So as I revel in the relief and work from home today (snow day!), my question to you is: Do you really think those computer viruses ever go away? We have a Dell computer in our basement that has a beast living in it. It refused to move. So we got a Mac. Who's laughing now?
No, they do not go away. I got that effing mundo virus about a year and a half ago and despite a fair amount of money paid to "clean" the computer - its never been the same since.
Posted by: Jeff Shelby | December 09, 2009 at 11:53 AM
I had similar problems with my PC, Karen. For years, it was one thing after another, with tech support people throwing darts at boards, hoping for a temporary solution so they could move on to the next caller.
Then, like you, I got a Mac. Oh, was I intimidated! For years, the spin was that Macs are DIFFERENT and more COMPLEX than PCs, reason enough not to make the switch. But I had two trusted friends who had badgered me relentlessly until I finally caved in about five months ago.
And you know what? Macs aren't the temptation of the Antichrist. They're not so difficult or complex. They're just a better made machine, which so far, has produced very smooth sailing for me.
Posted by: Mike Dennis | December 09, 2009 at 02:47 PM
Virus? Not sure what you're talking about.
Patty the MAC user.
Posted by: patty smiley | December 09, 2009 at 07:31 PM
"Patty the MAC user," which is why Patty's Smiling ;-)
Wish I had one. :(
Posted by: J. Carson Black | December 09, 2009 at 07:35 PM
You MAC users are like a cult.
I wanna be in it too!
Posted by: Lori Armstrong | December 10, 2009 at 08:33 AM