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Hey Lori,

Loved the post. I'm in my office laughing my ass off right now. I have a short attention span myself and cannot listen to music while I write.

Although Shoulda Been Cowboy was not inspired by Toby Keith's song, I love to torture my co-workers with it and every time I look at the title of the book, I can't help but play the song in my head. LOL!

Thanks for the smile and I can't wait for All Jacked UP.

Have a blessed week!

I always have music on. I did a soundtrack for Killer Swell. I have multiple playlists in my iPod for different activities. So...uh...sort of a fan...

Me too because I am prone to get a song in my head and not be able to get it out. Doesn't matter if the next song comes on. I still have the last one playing. For days.

I can't listen to music when I write, either, because I just don't hear it. I blame that on working in a big open newsroom for years and having to block out all noise.

So no soundtracks for me.

As a reader, not a writer, the only time I really want to hear about an author's listening preferences while writing is if the book has music involved in it somehow or lyrics are written into the book. Otherwise, get back to writing or your life or whatever.

But maybe that's just me.

I used to hate it, because I needed DEAD SILENCE to concentrate. Yeah, that works if you're single and live alone, but if you have a wife and two dogs watching TV, playing and barking (the dogs, not the wife), etc. then there is no silence. so I started listening to the exact same playlist EVERY time I wrote. It was good music, but after a while I could tune it out and write, while it tuned out the sound around me. But if I put out a playlist for a novel, it's more likely to be the kind of songs I would expect my protag to listen to...which usually means it'll either be Metal, Christian Rock, or the Blues.

I don't write so I don't give a rats ass what someone listens to while working.

I do dislike novels that constantly quote songs and try to get a "vibe" by listing a song name. I likely don't know the music and therefore have no idea what the author is trying to get across. I think it's a cop-out to define a mood or setting.

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