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Jeff, great post. When asked, I always say that getting published is as much about tenacity as it is about talent.

I'll borrow from my Dad, the Great Fisherman for the following analogy: A fishfinder only indicates the presence of fish, not that they'll bite. Writers and fishermen have to believe firmly that something will take the bait even when all they feel are nibbles and tugs. Cast the line as best you can and hopefully, you'll land a big one!


Felicia Donovan

Damnit, Jeff, now you've blabbed the code, and everybody knows! Thanks a lot. We thought we could trust you.

Jeff-After attending the terminally dispiriting agent conference this week, this is whiff of hope. Thanks.

Damn, I thought it was OprahDaVinciPotter. That must be why it took me so long to get published.

You forgot the warning, Jeff! If you say DavinciPotterOprah three times in the mirror, James Frey will appear and steal your book deal.

I don't get the question "How did you get published."

I get the question, "Why did you get published?"

Damnit, Jeff, you just cost me a fortune. I was selling that code on eBay.

Way to go Shelby, you're making friends and influencing people all over.

Great post. Now you'll have to follow it up with The Truth About How Your Life Changes and Becomes Fabulous Once You Are Published.

I knew I was called to this profession when I saw the flyer tacked to the telephone pole: MAKE $$$ WORKING FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME!

Or was that LOSE 40 POUNDS IN 20 MINUTES?

It's the best-kept secret in the universe: The minute you get that golden book deal, it's all clear sailing! Think about it, just knock out or crank our or churn out a book that will have mass appeal (DaviniciOprahPotterPatterson), and wait for the money to come pouring in, along with the adulation!

Yeah, I get that question a lot. When I tell them I sold my fifth manuscript (especially when they're working on their first) they ask, "What about the first four?" And I have to say, "They're collecting dust bunnies." No one likes that you might have to write hundreds of thousands of words and not get published . . .

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