I am in a lull.
This is the first time in two years that I am not writing something that’s due under contract. My fourth Annie Seymour book is with the copy editor, I finished the proposal for the fifth while on Xanax on the plane last week (but I have no idea if this will ever become a book), and I’m being lazy. Okay, I’ve got almost 50 pages of another project done, but I haven't written a word on that in the last four weeks.
I’m nothing without a deadline.
I need deadlines; I crave them. They are what make me sane. When a book contract was still not even a glimmer in my eye, I gave myself deadlines: Before Christmas, I’ll have the first draft done. By June, I’ll have the manuscript with my writers’ group.
It seems I’m at that point again. But since I’ve now had real deadlines, it’s harder for the fake ones to work.
Okay, I’ve got Lori and Alison hating me right now. Both of them are under deadline crunch, frantically typing sentences that they hope are making sense as their eyes glaze over. We’ve all been there, and Alison’s got that Smoked Coke to look forward to when she’s done.
I guess I should just enjoy this, but after 15 years of writing pretty consistently, it’s a rather odd feeling. Instead of writing, I’m reading THE HOBBIT with my daughter for her November book report (have to love the dwarves!) and playing air hockey.
I guess I’ll just coast through the holidays, take my time. Maybe I can finish something before I leave for Left Coast Crime in March. Five pages a day; it could be done. Ah! A deadline…
Do you need a deadline to force yourself to get to work on a book?
Cursing you as I type, Olson...
Bet you get to take tomorrow off, eh?
Posted by: Lori G. Armstrong | November 21, 2007 at 08:28 AM
... and I bet you get to do stuff like, I don't know.... SLEEP? My heart bleeds for you. Really, it does.
Posted by: AlisonGaylin | November 21, 2007 at 08:34 AM
I'm with you, Karen. Too many years in business to be able to write without deadlines. But I'm pretty good about honoring my own self-imposed ones. Especially when the reward is a spa day or a great bottle of wine.
Posted by: Louise Ure | November 21, 2007 at 10:32 AM
If I'm honest here, I'll be hated by all, so moving right along...
Posted by: Sandra Ruttan | November 21, 2007 at 11:51 AM
Deadlines mean that I have to do something by a specified date and time. The rebel in me hates being told what to do.
Posted by: patty smiley | November 21, 2007 at 12:38 PM
Do I need a deadline?
You bet your sweet ass I do.
Posted by: David Terrenoire | November 21, 2007 at 01:44 PM
Must. Have. Deadlines.
Posted by: Jeff Shelby | November 22, 2007 at 10:10 AM